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  • Oct 13 2022
  • Technology
Security testing in software testing

Security testing is an essential component of software testing, which is performed to identify a software application's weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The main goal is to identify software vulnerabilities and determine whether data and other resources are safe from foreign intruders. It is a method of determining whether or not confidential data remains confidential

Because of the significant increase in the number of ecommerce websites in the world today, security testing has become even more important. The application is tested after it has been developed and installed. A network security testing is advised to identify all potential vulnerabilities
Let's take a look at two types of security testing that are specific to web application development in this blog.

1. Static Applications Security Testing

SAST (Static Application Security Testing): SAST, also known as white box testing, aids in the discovery of vulnerabilities in application source code during the development phase (source code review). Various tools are used to scan the code before compilation, allowing the developer to identify bugs and fix them quickly, thereby reducing production time.

2. Dynamic Application Security Testing

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Unlike SAST, which analyses source code during development, Dynamic Application Security Testing identifies vulnerabilities and flaws during the pre-production stage. Dynamic Application Security Testing can be done in two ways:
1. Grey box testing: access to the application requires credentials
2. No credentials are required for black box testing.
DAST tools are also referred to as "black box" tools. Through penetration testing, these tools assist developers in identifying potential flaws within applications. To expose business logic vulnerabilities in sensitive and confidential applications, DAST does not require access to the code or binary files

There are two additional security testing categories to be aware of
• IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing): IAST is a hybrid of DAST and RASP (Runtime Application Security Protection). IAST operates within the application, identifying and analysing code for security vulnerabilities via automated testing, human testing, or interaction with application functionality. This type of analysis assists developers in identifying and repairing vulnerabilities in real time. IAST can only be performed at the functional level, not on the entire application or codebase.
• Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST): As the use of mobile internet has grown, so has the use of MAST. This type of testing is carried out to protect users and organisations from cyber-attacks by securing mobile applications against security breaches. MAST includes authentication, authorization, data security flaws for hacking, and session management

SAST and DAST behavioural analysis using static and dynamic techniques are used in MAST to discover malicious or potentially risky actions performed in the app that the user is unaware of.


IT professionals must work together to combat security breaches and protect systems from unauthorised intrusions and leaks of confidential information from users and businesses. This makes it critical to monitor and actively participate in OWASP
OWASP is a free and open security community project that offers a wealth of knowledge and tools to anyone involved in the creation, development, testing, implementation, and support of a web application to ensure that security is built in from the beginning and that the end product is as secure as possible.
Among the many advantages that OWASP offers to businesses and IT professionals are the following:
• Helps to fortify applications against cyber attacks
• Reduces the rate of errors and operational failures in systems
• Contributes to stronger encryption
• Increases the likelihood of application success
• Improves the software developer company's image


WebGoat is a purposefully insecure application that allows interested developers like you to test vulnerabilities that are commonly found in Java-based applications that use widely used open source components.
Learning and practising web application security is difficult. Few people have full-fledged web applications, such as online bookstores or banks, that can be used to scan for vulnerabilities. Furthermore, security professionals must frequently test tools against a vulnerable platform to ensure that they work as advertised. All of this must take place in a safe and legal environment.
Even if you have good intentions, we believe you should never try to find vulnerabilities without permission. The WebGoat project's primary goal is straightforward: to create a de facto interactive teaching environment for web application security. The project team hopes to expand WebGoat into a security benchmarking platform and a Java-based Web site Honeypot in the future.

Penetration Testing

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is an attempt to evaluate the security of an IT infrastructure by exploiting vulnerabilities safely. These flaws can be found in operating systems, services and applications, incorrect configurations, or risky end-user behaviour. Such assessments can also be used to validate the effectiveness of defensive mechanisms and end-user adherence to security policies
Manual or automated technologies are typically used in penetration testing to systematically compromise servers, endpoints, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other potential points of exposure.Once vulnerabilities on a specific system have been successfully exploited, testers may attempt to use the compromised system to launch subsequent
exploits at other internal resources, specifically by attempting to incrementally achieve higher levels of security clearance and deeper access to electronic assets and information via privilege escalation
Typically, information about any security vulnerabilities successfully exploited through penetration testing is aggregated and presented to IT and network system managers to assist those professionals in reaching strategic conclusions and prioritising related remediation efforts. The primary goal of penetration testing is to assess the feasibility of system or end-user compromise and to assess the impact such incidents may have on the involved resources or operations.

To conclude

The goal of security testing is to keep the application and data secure and private. In this rigorous compliance-driven business, either your in-house testing team or an external security testing company should assist you in remaining compliant.

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